
Anjola Awosika: Capturing the Soul of Nigerian Cuisine

June 3, 2024

Anjola Awosika is a food photographer who knows how to make your mouth water. His photos of Nigerian dishes and ingredients are so vivid and colorful, you can almost taste them. We sat down with Anjola to learn more about his passion for capturing Nigerian flavors against the backdrop of Lagos.

When it comes to photographing Nigerian food, Anjola has a special approach. “I love to pay attention to the colour and texture of the dish,” he says. “It helps me choose the perfect plates and backdrops to make the food pop.” He especially enjoys getting up close and personal with ingredients like Ata Gungun, a Nigerian pepper with lots of character.

How did Anjola Awosika start?


Anjola’s love for food photography started way back when he was a kid growing up in Lagos Island. He remembers stopping by a chin-chin vendor near his family’s church and being amazed by the whole process of mixing and frying the tasty snack. “I could picture myself making confectioneries like that,” he recalls. This childhood memory led him to try his hand at baking and eventually, food blogging. Anjola even went back to Lagos Island to hunt down the best street food for his blog, and that’s when he realized he could tell the story of Nigerian food through his photos.

What does the future hold?


Looking ahead, Anjola is excited about the way Lagos’ food scene is growing. He’s noticed more chefs hosting private dinners that showcase Nigerian ingredients and flavors. Plus, there are people working hard to organize the industry, like starting an association for chefs and culinary pros. “Food photography is here to stay, and I’m glad to see other photographers picking it up,” Anjola says. “The more photographers we have, the more the Nigerian food story will be captured and told.”

When we asked Anjola about his favorite meal to photograph, he couldn’t pick just one. “Every type of cuisine challenges me to apply myself and skill during the shoot,” he explains. It’s clear that he loves the variety and the opportunity to get creative with each dish.

Tips for food photographers


Got an itch to start snapping your own food photos? Anjola has some tips for beginners: “Find the light, know your angles, use a tripod if you don’t have stable hands, listen to yourself, and educate yourself about food.” He also suggests reading books to spark your imagination and open up new possibilities.

Capturing the Soul of Nigerian Cuisine

Through his stunning photographs, Anjola Awosika is helping to put Nigerian cuisine in the spotlight. His passion for capturing the colors, textures, and flavors of traditional dishes and ingredients is truly inspiring. As the food photography trend continues to grow in Lagos, Anjola is leading the way and inviting us all to fall in love with the delicious world of Nigerian food, one click at a time.